Annual Cycling Monitoring Report

Winter Cycling shoot for Cycling Scotland on South City Cycle Way, Victoria Road, Glasgow.

The Annual Cycling Monitoring Report tracks and reports on key information on everyday cycling in Scotland.

The report provides a national picture of cycling behaviour, road safety, access to bikes and attitudes to cycling, as well as snapshots of cycling at a local authority level.

The official statistics provided in this report have been sourced from the Scottish Household Survey 2021, Key Reported Road Casualties and Transport, and Travel in Scotland research.

A full list of sources is contained within the report.

Insight and analysis

What does the 2023 Annual Cycling Monitoring Report tell us about everyday cycling in Scotland?

Progress of cycling indicators

The report was first published in 2015 and data can be used to measure the progress of several indicators established in the Active Travel Framework. The indicators were reproduced in the latest strategy – Cycling Framework for Active Travel – a Plan for Everyday Cycling.